2024 Award

A Bridal Bruch

April 2024

Currently, vintage Milk Glass is very HOT. Pieces hail from as far back as the late 1800s all the way through the 1970s. Left is a table set with vintage Anchor Hocking Milk Glass pieces from the 1940s. The setting includes 4 of the 2-piece Snack Sets (plate and cup), the round divided Vegetable Plate, the round impressed Deviled Egg Plate, and the oval divided Relish Tray. Most of the dish pieces I found at local Thrift Stores. Often, you can find them for 99¢ a piece. The centerpice is a set of white pearlescent ceramic cat figures which I picked up at a local neighborhood garage sale. I think it makes a lovely Bridal Shower Brunch setting.

READ MORE: "A Guide to Collecting Milk Glass—and How Much It's Worth" at Martha Stewart Living

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