2024 Award

The Vintage Fur Debate

August 2023

Vintage Furs are a touchy subject for some people. Let’s face it, there was a time when making coats and such out of animal pelts was how humanity did it, so today, we are left with lots of old fur coats, capes, etc. that really should not just be thrown into our landfills. Some folks opt to still wear vintage furs, but there are other avenues for repurposing and recycling vintage furs.  Here are a few ideas:
(1) Alter the style of the coat.  Change a long fur coat into a shorter jacket more in line with today’s styles.
(2) Make an accessory like a tote bag, muffler, or earmuffs.
(3) Repurpose the fur into a throw rug.
(4) Upcycle vintage furs into Teddy Bears and donate to Women’s & Children’s Shelters.
(5) Donate the fur to the Humane Society, who then repurpose the pieces to create beds, warm nests or surrogate mothers to orphaned and injured wildlife rescued and placed for recovery at wildlife rehabilitators. When the animals are strong enough, they are re-introduced back into the wild


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